Apex Legends Discusses The Challenge of Motion-Related Updates

1 Min Reading

Amid the ongoing controversy over Apex Legends' kickback removal, a key Respawn employee offers a convincing explanation for the decision.

The game's community and developers have been caught in the middle of a heated debate over the game's moves. Battle Royale wold fans prefer a certain advanced technique to remain, but Respawn seems determined to remove it.

Movement is a big part of gameplay in Apex Legends, and many Legends' special abilities are geared specifically towards movement enhancement. Since its release, players have discovered undesirable and advanced techniques to gain an edge over their opponents, including the latest point of contention: Tap-Strafing

Apex Legends' developers will remove tap strafing in the next patch, a form of player movement mostly used by PC gamers that allows them to take sharp turns to evade or counterattack less mobile opponents.

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