Cyberpunk 2077 tips: 2.0 things you need to know before starting Cyberpunk 9 and Phantom Liberty

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CD Projekt's famous RPG has effectively been rebooted with the Cyberpunk 2077 update 2.0 and separate Phantom Liberty expansion. All players have discovered a completely new area with the new DLC, including significant additions to the base game and a completely new chapter with its own story, gear and side jobs. Whether you're a new player waiting for an excuse to try the game or a new cyberpunk enthusiast, here are some tips to help you make the most of your vacation in Night City. Cyberpunk 2077 tips we provided.

Sign up for My Rewards

cyberpunk 2077 tips: 2.0 things you need to know before starting cyberpunk 9 and phantom liberty
Join my rewards and collect rewards.

My Rewards is the beginning of our list of Cyberpunk 2077 tips. Before you start your adventure, you can access a wealth of digital gifts with a quick login to My Rewards. In Cyberpunk 2077, all players can get the Wolf School jacket and t-shirt, Galaxy t-shirt, Black Unicorn katana, and Shupe the Troll plush. Your clothes are waiting for you in your wardrobe, gun locker and Shupe sofa on the apartment floor.

If you own Phantom Liberty and have played Gwent or The Witcher 3, five additional items are available. All Phantom Liberty players can get the Rarog vest, and if you've played Gwent you can also get a Gwent t-shirt and the very useful Scorch gun. If you own The Witcher 3, you'll also get the Gwynbleidd sword and the Wild Hunt jacket.

Start planning your character early

cyberpunk 2077 tips: 2.0 things you need to know before starting cyberpunk 9 and phantom liberty
Prepare for the future.

Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 completely changes the progression systems and allows you to create much more unique and specific builds, so it's worth immediately starting to think about what kind of character you want to play. Phantom Liberty gives you a little more flexibility by increasing the level cap to 60, allowing you to max out a few trees. You can reset perk points at any time, but attribute points can only be reset once.

If you want to play as a chromed heavy hitter and blow things up with shotguns, LMGs, and blunt weapons, invest in Body and Tech. If you prefer to go quietly, hack missions, and stealth kills, Intelligence and Composure are perfect for you.

There's also a secondary skill system that rewards you for playing in certain ways. For example, using tech weapons is a way to level up your Engineer skill, which will make you more effective when using tech weapons. Meanwhile, if you're a tank, you'll increase your Solo skill, which will give you increases in things like health and carrying capacity. These skill lines also give you extra perk points, which is extremely useful.

get chromed

cyberpunk 2077 tips
Get chrome items.

Once you've completed the prologue with your character's backstory, you'll be free to wander around Night City's Watson district, and your best friend Jackie will take you to Vik, a friendly ripper doc. He will immediately give you a new eye and hand implant. This implant is particularly useful as it allows you to zoom in and scan both objects and NPCs. Next, if you have some money, you should shop for chrome, because Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 has significantly improved the cybernetics side.

First of all, every ripper doc now has a full inventory, so you don't have to visit each one to get what you need. There is also a wider variety of cybernetics and fewer limitations. You are now mostly limited by the capacity cost of each cybernetic, and that limit is determined by your abilities. If you invest in the Tech tree, it will start to increase this rapidly, allowing you to equip much more (and more advanced) cybernetic equipment.

Soon you'll be running around, jumping like the Hulk, firing rockets from your arms, and killing chooms with smart guns.

Hunt rebel AI taxis

cyberpunk 2077 tips
Declare war on artificial intelligence!

After the prologue, you will be reunited with your car. It will be waiting for you in the parking lot of the skyscraper you live in. If you don't know where it is, there should be a quest in the journal that takes you there. But as soon as you start the engine, an automatic taxi will hit you. This is the beginning of a series of missions for luxury driverless taxi fleet Delamain. Hunting them all may seem like a chore at first glance. They are spread all over the map, including the Badlands.

But each one is interesting and fun, and finding them all unlocks a final quest in which V is forced to make a difficult decision. Although it may not seem like it at first, this ends up being one of the game's best missions.

Steal a sweet new car

cyberpunk 2077 tips
Find a nice car.

Cyberpunk 2077 lets you steal most NPCs' cars, and you'll get your own for free, but if you want something fancier you'll usually have to spend some money. Or, if you're lucky and you might find a sweet abandoned drive in the countryside – in fact, you'll probably stumble upon it while doing one of the aforementioned Delamain quests. The car in question is the badass Type-66 “Hoon” and was added in the new 2.0. And conveniently, you can get it early.

Like the other Quadra Type-66s, this one is a nimble little thing and already has some weapons as an added bonus. So not only will you be able to speed through Night City in style, you'll be able to fire your machine guns if the traffic starts to bother you.

It is always worth investigating crimes on the spot

cyberpunk 2077 tips
Search for the loot.

Look, I will never tell you that you have to help the cops. Especially when it's cyberpunk. And the NCPD is especially terrible. But! It's still helpful to always keep an eye out for crimes happening in Night City. These are separate from jobs and quests and will appear marked on the map with the NCPD icon as you explore the city. As you head towards them you will usually encounter some gang members who attack civilians or try to steal things. Don't stop them to help the police; Stop them to earn some sweet loot and street cred.

Unlike other activities, these are generally low-effort jobs where you'll just fight a few gongs and poke around in their pockets, earning you some cash, skill pieces, and assorted junk. Don't forget to pick up the weapons they drop to disassemble or sell later. You'll usually also find a container marked as evidence on the map, and that's where you'll find even better quality loot. It's not always surprising, but the rewards often exceed the effort.

Don't sell all your loot, keep some

cyberpunk 2077 tips
Do not sell important items.

The pockets of the gang members you kill in Night City will inevitably be filled with guns. Selling them is an easy way to make some money, but don't sell everything you buy. Instead, go to the crafting menu and hold down the disassemble key to disassemble a weapon. On the left side of the menu, you will see the component layer the weapon belongs to and how many parts it will give you. As you progress through the game, you'll need those higher tier components to continue upgrading your favorite weapons.

Work with River Ward

cyberpunk 2077 tips
Collaborate with river ward.

At a certain point in the game, you will receive a new contact: an NCPD detective named River Ward. Take on tasks as soon as they become available. This is some of the best side content in the game, and V gets embroiled in a seriously dark and twisted series of events involving an infamous serial killer of Night City. River is an interesting character, as are some of the shady NCPD types you meet on his missions.

adopt a cat

cyberpunk 2077 tips: 2.0 things you need to know before starting cyberpunk 9 and phantom liberty
Get a little friend.

At the end of our list of Cyberpunk 2077 tips is getting a cat. There's a stray cat named Nibbles who lives in V's skyscraper, and you can make him your own little mascot. Luckily he lives close to home. Exit your apartment in Megabuilding H10, turn left, walk down the corridor, and then turn right at the end. You'll find a garbage can with a piece of data inside called "FEED TEH CAT", which will tell you about a neighborhood cat with a taste for chicken.

You'll need some cat food to get Nibbles to appear. You can buy it from food vendors around the city, or pick it up from a few guaranteed places like the Arasaka Industrial Area warehouse or Randy's trailer at River Ward and The Hunt business. Once you have the food, go back to the trash can and place it in Nibble's bowl. After some time has passed, it will appear in the bowl and you can pick it up and give it a good home.

We have come to the end of our Cyberpunk 2077 tips guide. As we mentioned above, before starting the game our guide to the best perks and abilities Don't forget to take a look too.

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