Evil Dead has sold over half a million copies in five days!

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The multiplayer horror game Evil Dead is out on a thematically appropriate date, Friday, May 13. In the first five days of its release, Evil Dead has sold more than 500.000 copies, as noted in the full-year report from developer Saber Interactive, the Embracer Group, and @EmbracerInvestor on Twitter.

Originally scheduled for 2021, Evil Dead: The Game has been delayed to February 2022 and then back to May for polish and single-player mode. As Saber said at the time, "This delay gives our team the time they need to get things right, so your boomstick will be polished, fully loaded, and ready to blast the Deadites on Friday, May 13." It apparently worked, and Evil Dead was better received than Saber Interactive's previous licensed co-op zombie shooter, World War Z.

Four players, who can be characters from movie series and TV shows or different versions of Ash, collaborate to achieve their goals, while a fifth player will hunt them down as a demon. (Any of the roles can also be filled by AI.) The more frightened the survivors, the more vulnerable they will be to the demon's attacks.

Being a cross-platform multiplayer game with cross-play certainly helped Evil Dead's sales success, but people seem to like the game.


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