Xbox Series X's DirectStorage Aims to Improve Load Times on PC!

1 Min Reading

Microsoft has announced that DirectStorage is finally coming to Windows. The technology previously used on Xbox Series X consoles means PC games that support it will not only have larger and more detailed in-game worlds, but will also have faster load times.

If you are not familiar with DirectStorage, it is an I/O system introduced in Xbox Series X. DirectStorage is designed to use hardware compression and fast solid state drives (SSDs) to improve load times and reduce CPU workload.

In 2020, a few months before the Xbox Series X launch, Microsoft promised to bring this critical piece of technology to PCs.

Xbox Series X's DirectStorage aims to improve loading times on PC!
Xbox series x's directstorage aims to improve loading times on pc! 1

As detailed in the latest DirectX Developer Blog, Microsoft says DirectStorage is compatible with both Windows 10 and Windows 11 machines. However, the tech giant strongly encourages the use of Windows 11, as the new operating system has the latest storage optimizations built into it.

While Microsoft hasn't announced exactly which games will support DirectStorage, we do know that the action-RPG Forspoken will be among the first. While Forspoken has recently been delayed to October, a virtual presentation at GDC next week will explain and outline how Luminous Productions implemented the DirectStorage API during development.


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