Cyberpunk 2077 got the subway thanks to the modders.

1 Min Reading

It's the perfect part of city life.

If you're disappointed that Night City's NCART system isn't working, the Cyberpunk 2077 modders have you covered. The sprawling metropolis now has a working subway system with 19 stations and full integration into the game's UI and controls, thanks to modders. It's a nice, slick modding for those who really want an immersive game where they can explore freely and hate fast travel systems.

You can switch between first-person and third-person views while riding the subway; this is great for a glimpse into the city and how it moves without you being there. To use it, simply go to one of the available Metro fast travel points on the map, then interact with the gates to enter the station. From there it's really just a subway station: The signs say where the next car is going and you interact with the train to hop on. You can listen to the radio and use the mouse wheel to change seats.

Also, I imagine it's probably compatible with other city-altering mods you're running: an elevated monorail goes well into the sky and hopefully doesn't get in the way too much.

You can access the fashion from this link. Cyberpunk 2077 Metro System mod on Nexusmods. Thanks for making this, modder keanuWheeze.


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