Call of Duty anti-cheat system makes clean players invisible to cheaters!

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A new in the blog postThe developers behind Call of Duty's Ricochet anti-cheat system have outlined a new "cloaking" feature that makes clean players invisible to cheaters. This feature will make it impossible for cheaters to influence other players' competition during a match, regardless of any illegal software they may be using.

“Characters, bullets, even sounds from clean players will not be perceived by cheaters,” the blog post says. The new stealth feature comes with Damage Shield, another anti-cheat feature. Damage Shield prevents cheater's bullets from harming other players.

While Team Ricochet is only detailing the hide feature at the moment, the feature appears to have been available in Call of Duty: Warzone anti-cheat software since mid-February via a video posted on Twitter.

Call of Duty developers have banned tens of thousands of cheaters in recent months, but the blog post indicates that allowing cheaters to continue playing while these new anti-cheat features are available means they can "[collect] the data necessary to determine cheating behavior." It also encourages players to continue reporting cheaters manually so it can improve cheat detection features.

Ricochet's kernel-level anti-cheat software that runs natively on PCs was previously available for Warzone, but now comes in Vanguard, according to the blog post. Eurogamerstates that the anti-cheat system has a server-side component that has long been present in both Call of Duty games.

In a blog post, Team Ricochet confirmed that it has banned an additional 90.000 accounts since its last major update (54.000 accounts were banned). Additionally, Team Ricochet reported that banned players will be removed from the leaderboards.


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