Call of Duty: Vanguard Trailer Shows PlayStation Exclusive Advantages.

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A new Call of Duty: Vanguard trailer highlights all the exclusive benefits available to the PlayStation console.

Call of Duty: Vanguard may contain less PlayStation-exclusive content than previous entries in the series, but there's still some worth noting. For this reason, there is a special edition highlighting what gives the PlayStation version of the game an advantage. Call of Duty: Vanguard trailer released.

short trailer, Call of Duty: Vanguard as well as Call of Duty: War zone instantly makes it clear that fans will enjoy the benefits of playing on PlayStation as each one showcases their logos and gameplay. The first advantage highlighted by the trailer is the 25% Party Bonus for PlayStation users. Players who are on or party with someone on PlayStation get 25% more Weapons in their matches his XP receivables – From Call of Duty: Warzone This is a big deal considering that the incoming Weapon XP exploit will be gone soon.

Call of Duty: Vanguard players will also receive two extra loading slots that allow for some additional customization. While not a game-changing feature, it does help those who prefer to have a class for every occasion. Monthly Double XP events will also be available for PlayStation fans, allowing them to rank slightly faster than those on PC and Xbox platforms. It also includes 5 Battle Pass tiers, with players progressing through the pass a little faster than usual.

Latest PlayStation Exclusive Call of Duty content is seasonal Battle Packs. Call of Duty: War zone ve In Call of Duty: Vanguard Each time a new Season starts, players will be offered a pack full of exclusive cosmetics. The Season 1 pack is available now, and it gives Operator Lucas an appearance wearing a pilot suit. Includes a watch, sticker, calling card, and emblem, along with two plans. A 60-minute Double XP token rounds out the pack and ensures there are plenty of exclusive items for PlayStation fans.

While Vanguard: Call of Duty ya Call of Duty: War zone Players on other platforms may be let down by this exclusive content, the difference is less than what was seen in past years. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Survival mode was exclusive to PlayStation owners for a full year and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War So was the Onslaught mod. While both eventually made it to other consoles, they did so at the very end of their game's lifecycle.

Without PlayStation-exclusive game modes this time around, it will be interesting to see if Activision's deal with Sony continues. Regardless, those on the PS4 and PS5 should make the most of the benefits highlighted in the trailer.

Call of Duty: Vanguard now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X.


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