Diablo 4 is coming to Steam

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Diablo 4 is coming to Steam. Just four months after its release, Blizzard is bringing Big Red to the big platform. It certainly won't be long before Diablo 4 is coming to Steam. Blizzard announced today that Diablo 4, the latest installment of its demon-hunting action-RPG, will be coming to Steam on October 17th and is available to wishlist now.

Diablo 4 on Steam will support cross-platform play with other versions of the game (Battle.net, Xbox One, Xbox Series It will also be playable on Steam Deck.

Diablo 4's launch on Steam will coincide with the start of the game's second season, Season of Blood, in which Blizzard hopes to make up for the chaos of season one. Malicious Season, as it is known, was not well-received by fans thanks to a mix of nerfs, loot, and balance issues that were almost universally received negatively. The backlash was so bad that Blizzard held an emergency livestream, and community manager Adam Fletcher admitted that the changes made in the preseason patch were “not fun” and said, “We don't plan on doing a patch like this again.”

It was a pretty significant admission for such a high-profile game, but it did little to appease fans because although Blizzard promised changes, nothing significant was immediately rolled back, and the most promising and meaningful changes were still a long way off. Blizzard was still rolling back aspects of that pre-release a few weeks ago, more than two months after the “we made a mistake” livestream.

This has the potential to make Diablo 4's Steam launch very interesting, and not necessarily in a good way. When Overwatch 2 launched on Steam in August, it was immediately bombarded with negative user reviews: Within just one day, its rating dropped to “overwhelmingly negative,” and within a few days it was crowned “the worst-rated game on Steam.” Of course, that doesn't mean it's the worst game, or even "bad" by any metric: There are legitimate issues with the game, for sure, but it's also about players' behavior, from matchmaking issues to microtransactions, to the behavior of other players, to Activision's treatment of its employees, and to general game play. a reflection of his frustration with everything, right down to his blaséness.

Regardless of the vagaries of Steam's user review system, having only 10% positive reviews really doesn't look good, and I think it's reasonable to expect Diablo 4 to suffer a similar fate. Players are unhappy with the state of the game (and Activision Blizzard), and while they don't have a direct way to express their unhappiness on Battle.net, the situation is different on Steam. I wouldn't be surprised if Diablo 4 is subjected to a wave of negative criticism, just like Overwatch 2 was. This may not have a big impact on Blizzard's bottom line. As we noted at the time, Overwatch 2 was among Steam's best-selling games even while facing negative criticism. We'll see how it goes in a few weeks.

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