Diablo 4 Rogue Build Guide

5 Min Reading

Rogue in Rogue Build Guide, Diablo 4It has several different ways to build.

Rogue is one of the most famous classes in all of Diablo, and the class is back for the fourth iteration of the famous ARPG series. Classified as a sneaky and agile character, Rogue is an expert in shadow damage and can use both melee and ranged weapons. Due to Rogue's versatility in Diablo 4, many players are confused about how to properly build their characters.

In this guide, Diablo 4We'll be reviewing our recommended build guide for Rogue in , so players can relax when faced with choosing a new skill.

Diablo 4 Rogue Build Guide

As mentioned, Rogue has several different skill branches that focus on both melee and ranged weapons. Players can be a melee character that attacks from the shadows and deals poison or shadow damage. However, the other route players can take is a long-range character that deals damage with arrows. You can experiment with any of these specific builds, but we think the best Rogue in Diablo 4 uses skills from both forms of fighting.

If you're interested in taking a deeper look at the Rogue's skills or passive abilities/s, you can read our previous guides. For now, you can see all the active skills we've selected for Rogue in Diablo 25, at least based on the 4th level in the beta.

rogue build guide
Diablo 4 rogue build guide 1

Basic Skill: Forceful Arrow (Fundamental) - The best combo skill for the Rogue is the Power Arrow, which fires an arrow that deals medium damage to the enemy. If you attack three times in a row, the third attack makes the enemy defenseless for two seconds, which means they take more damage from the attacks. The Basic upgrade for Forceful Arrow knocks back enemies if they are considered close to you.

Core Skill: Twisted Blades (Advanced) - Twisted Blades is a melee-based attack that pierces enemies with blades and deals tons of damage. Not only that, that enemy will also take extra damage while being impaled. The skill doesn't end after that, because when the blades return to you, they can damage any enemy they come in contact with along the way. The Advanced upgrade for Twisted Blades reduces your active cooldowns for all abilities by one second for each enemy they pass through when they return, up to three seconds. This can make your life a lot easier, especially when you want to keep spamming your Flushing skill to infuse Twisted Blades.

Ability Skill: Dash (Disciplined) - Dashing away from ranged attacks is a skill that allows players to dash forward and slash enemies up to twice. Think of Dash as a deadlier and faster version of your normal dodge move. It's the perfect segway for shooting arrows from afar, especially when you upgrade it with Disciplined skill. Disciplined Dashing slows enemies for three seconds, giving you a chance to return to a longer range and shoot more arrows from afar. Finally, your dash loads can be loaded, which becomes important with other Rogue skills.

Subterfuge Skill: Concealment (Countering) - Concealment is an excellent Rogue skill. It allows players to hide for a short time, making them unstoppable and can move without hitting enemies. Also, Concealment doesn't stop working when you take damage, so you can stay hidden until your skill expires or you use another skill. No matter which attack you choose after the Concealment wears off, you can upgrade to Counter Conceal to ensure it's a critical attack.

Imbuement Skill: Shadow Imbuement (Blended) - Of the three Embedding skills available for Rogue, in our opinion, the shadow version is the best. When players hit an enemy with an infused ability after using Poison Imbuement, it not only deals damage to that enemy, but also infects the enemy as a result. If this enemy dies while infected, it will explode, dealing extra damage to surrounding enemies. If the infection passes before they die, the enemy will still take damage, but only to themselves. This skill works in perfect harmony with Twisted Blades as it is one of the few skills that can be instilled.

Ultimate Skill: Shadow Clone (Prime and Supreme) - Another great Rogue-like ability, Shadow Clone creates a mimic that copies all your moves. Shadow imitation deals some of your base damage to enemies it hits. The Supreme upgrade increases the damage your clone deals.

diablo 4 rogue build guide
Diablo 4 rogue build guide 2


  • Stutter Step: Your critical strikes against enemies grant you an additional 5%, 10%, 15% movement speed increase for four seconds. (Works in concert with obfuscation)
  • Abuse: Your damage is increased by 6%, 12%, 18% against healthy and injured enemies.
  • Malice: Your damage is increased by 3,6,9% against defenseless enemies. (Works with Forceful Arrow. Requires a score on Exploit)

Rogue can be an incredibly fun class to play in Diablo 4 once you understand how to switch between weapons and skills effectively. Once you find a line between melee and ranged attacks, you'll be advancing through Sanctuary as a Rogue.

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