Halo Infinite Ranked Tiers Announced: How Ranked Arenas Work

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Halo Infinite offers a complete competitive environment for gamers looking for tougher competition.

In Halo Infinite, Ranked Arena is where Spartan fans go to compete with others looking for the best competition in the game. Like many PvP games, Halo Infinite's ranked mode is best reserved for players who want to gauge their skills and hopefully improve over time. With a few Halo Infinite graded tiers to climb, you'll be able to visualize exactly how you stack up on the broader Halo competitive scene. Here's everything you need to know about Halo Infinite grade overlays

Halo Infinite ranked tiers list

The Halo Endless Ranked Arena has a total of 31 ranks to climb, and that may seem like a lot if you're new to competitive PvP, but that's a number on par with other games in this genre. 343 wants to give some nuance to Halo's ranked ranks, and a tier list of this size helps separate the novices from the legendary Spartans. Here's a list of Halo Infinite graded tiers, from bottom to extreme:

  • Bronze I – VI
  • Silver I -VI
  • Gold I – VI
  • Platinum I – VI
  • Diamond I – VI
  • Turkish Onyx

Onyx is the only tier with no sub tiers in it, meaning it's reserved for only the most talented players in the entire Halo Infinite scene. But don't worry, you'll usually only encounter players close to your skill level, so don't expect to encounter Onyx players unless you can get something in the Diamond range.

halo infinite ranked tiers explained: how does ranked arena work?
Halo infinite ranked tiers explained: how does ranked arena work? 1

How to improve ranking in Halo Infinite.

The answer to this question is really twofold. To earn any rank, you must first complete 10 matches in the Ranked Arena. The game uses your performance in this first series to get you started, but while you don't get stuck in Bronze right away, don't expect even the best players to come to Onyx that short. The system will probably need more than this small handful of matches to place you among the elite few.

To raise your first rank is pretty simple: Be good. Indeed, with more eliminations, more points in games like Capture The Flag and Stockpile, and most importantly, more wins, you will see your rank increase over time. One suggestion would be to play with a trusted group whose skills you trust and are roughly equal to yours. That way, you won't be dependent on random players who can introduce any number of character flaws into the game like letting go of rage, team kills, or just general stupidity.

With consistent and solid gameplay, your hard work will be visualized with regularly improving ranks. Rankings will reset at the end of each season, and if Halo follows the path determined by similar games before it, there may be cosmetic rewards to be earned based on how high you climb the ranks. For now, we only have the first season's May 2022 end date ahead of us. We'll have to wait and see if such awards will be announced this season.

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