12 Tactics in League of Legends to Become a Top Player

12 Min Reading

Stuck on Low Elos? Don't worry, no one will be able to hold you after these tactics! Here are 12 Tactics for Being a Good Player in League of Legends.

One of the popular Moba games League of Legendsis played by many players. Particularly contributing to the development of the e-sports industry, the game has been under the umbrella of Riot Games since 2009. The company, which also made big investments in Turkey, had also made a big investment for the Turkish version of the game and the opening of the Turkey server. In our guide today, we will give you 12 tactics to become a better player for League of Legends.

It is obvious that League of Legends is a difficult game to master. Because, as you know, there are millions of players who have played the game over the years but still haven't been good players and can't get above the silver or gold levels. Yes, Riot does not give an exact number of players in LoL, but we all know that the number of players in silver, gold and even bronze is more than millions. How Does? Because according to the data, more than half of the audience that plays the game is in the Silver 3 or lower cluster. So if your league is above Silver 2, you're playing better than half of the people who play LoL. This is a statistic that can change depending on how you look at it, and can even be defined as positive.

But if your current league was already satisfying, you would be having fun with your friends in ARAM and probably continuing with your current league next season, instead of reading about being a good player. Therefore, without further ado, let's move on to the tactics of being a good player that will make you climb the LoL ladder, make silver platinum, gold diamond, strengthen your general perception of the game and make you understand the professional arena better!

Choose a role and play that role

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People generally prefer to only progress with their favorite champions when playing LoL. For example, if someone who likes to play Lee Sin likes to play Ezreal as well, he will spend hours mastering these two champions. But if success is to be sought in the competitive arena, it is a very wrong move. After all, 5 different roles in LoL have different requirements, and it would not be appropriate to play a marksman for someone who is used to playing a jungler, and to switch to a support role for someone who works wonders in mid lane. So be you, specialize in which role you like the most in the game. Play that role constantly, even the champions who are not from that role but you can't give up, apply to that role by using the right runes and items. After all, even Ezreal was played jungler if you remember in some metas...

In addition, if you follow your favorite broadcasters from platforms such as Twitch or YouTube while playing this role, you will find out where they went, what route they followed, what items they bought on the first return or how many minutes they chased lenses such as Dragon / Baron Nashor, and by applying these, you can learn how to get Silver or Gold level. You can make a Championship level effect on your game.

Keep your champion pool intact

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Everyone around you may be talking about the advantages of having a large pool of champions and how they stand out against the other team. But if you're playing at a level like Silver or Gold, it's more important to be a good player to play champions you know than to fight champions.

Assuming you're playing a support role, knowing 15 different support champions or how the support versions of mid laners and junglers play in bits and pieces won't be as helpful as knowing the Alistar-Janna-Braum trio from head to toe. Because, regardless of your team composition, these three characters have their names written in the Valley notebook as champions who work at every stage of the game.

In addition, it does not seem healthy to play a character that you know one ability and not the other just to counter the other side. That's why most low league players who do this don't succeed. Knowing the answers to questions such as how much damage a skill does at level 1 or how many percent extra damage does it cause at level 3, before the game starts, allows you to win all the trades you will enter with the opponent, and guess what is the most efficient way to win in League of Legends? Of course, profiting from the trades.

Minimap control and watch out for views

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Unfortunately, it is not enough to deal with the events in the corridor you are in in Moba games. Minimap control is very important, especially if you are in the role of support, mid lane or jungler. It is very important to predict where the opponent will go, see where they are and warn your team. Of course, in order to achieve this control, you must gain vision on the map. Taking care to carry and use red totems other than trinket totems will greatly increase map control. It is very important to carry a red totem and provide vision to your team, especially if you are playing a jungler or support role.

Read the patch notes

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LoLThere is only one thing that all professional players from A to Z do. Room patch notes read as soon as it comes out and take shape according to the way the patch notes give the game. If you don't, you may fall into the misconception that you'll still be able to play and win characters who were so strong in the previous patch but whom Rito slapped (Irelia, for example) in the next patch. However, at that time, your opponent has taken the most popular champion of the new patch and is beating you even without equipment.

In addition to the information about the champions, be sure to follow the changes to the items and the game in general. Even changing just 1 item (which happened in Blade of the Ruined King, if you remember) can affect the entire game from start to finish.

Use the training tool

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If you've been playing the game for seasons, you know how hard it is to train in LoL. For years, all League of Legends players, especially esports players, complained about not being able to try certain moves. Some of the questions were left unanswered because Rito didn't bring this mod into the game, or it was learned through trial and error in competitive games.

training tool Thanks to this, you can put as many puppets around you as you want, calculate damage, reduce the cooldown of your abilities to 0 and practice skill-shots as much as you want, or you can try unlimited jumps by walking around the walls. When you have such an opportunity, take advantage of it. If this tool had been added to LoL earlier, things might have been very different in the professional arena right now. If you have a champion that gains strength late, we recommend that you stay calm under the turret and wait for your jungler's support without scoring the opponent as much as possible.

Know the timing

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Each champion is stronger at a certain point in the game. Some champions are strong in the early and mid game, while others become stronger in the late game. That's why it matters when you trade in the lane. Trying to trade with Yasuo at an early level against champions like Darius or Sett will set you back.

Don't miss the minions

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The easiest way to earn gold in the game is not to kill the opponent. If you're not in a support role, take care to cut down as many minion or jungle camps as possible. If you are in the jungler role, entering the opposite jungle will give you an extra advantage as well as knocking the opposing jungler back. Remember, getting an average of 12 to 15 mins ahead of your opponent equals about one score. For this reason, if you want to get your items quickly in the game, it is very important not to miss any minions. For the players in the role of jungler, the gold given by the spider crab is also critical in this sense.

Act as a team and complete tasks

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It is very important to set a strategy and act as a team after a point in the game. If there is a champion on your team who can easily split push, it is up to other players to prepare the necessary environment for him. It is very important to determine at which point of the game the team composition is more effective and to play together in that time period. If you have a team that gets stronger in the early game, acting together at the end of the game can be a problem.

Never be a tilt to be a good player

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One of the contributions of League of Legends to Turkish is “tilt”. This word, which we currently use as getting angry, took on a new meaning with League.

If you have anger problems and you really enjoy playing League of Legends, what you need to do is very simple: As soon as the game starts, block people who try to argue with you, talk to you, or constantly ping and annoy you from the score screen that appears when you press Tab. So you won't be able to hear them, nor will they know that you blocked them. Also, since you will no longer worry about correspondence or pings, you will be able to focus more on the game and achieve higher success.

Watch your replays

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Yes, we come to one of the most boring parts. Watching replays is something that players don't like very much. Because you feel like you have spent 50 more minutes on the game you played for 50 minutes, and you lose time by playing a game you have already played. But it's not like that.

The coaches and analysts of all the most successful teams in the professional arena achieve success by watching the games and training repetitions of all players. By watching the replays, they check how they react in which situations, how they communicate before the team fight, whether they focus on other things when they should finish the game, and with the right guidance, they achieve success in international tournaments. Of course, the continent that does this best is Asia, due to the esports cultures dating back to ancient times, but gradually the importance of team communication and repetition is beginning to be understood in Europe and America.

If you take a notebook-pen with you while watching your repetitions, write down the mistakes you observe one by one and keep the written page of that notebook with you in your next game, you will get rid of your simplest mistakes. Of course, as your league progresses, the number of mistakes and your detection rate will decrease, so this will become a difficult process over time. Just like you become a better player over time.

don't die

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It may sound funny, but one of the easiest ways to achieve success in League is to not die. If you don't die—and you manage to kill the other side, too—you win the game. This is just like the logic in Counter-Strike, "if everyone shoots 1 man, we win the game". So why is it so important not to die?

Because when you die, besides giving gold to the opposing team, you stare at the gray screen while you are dead. During this time, you can neither earn gold nor farm experience points. So your seconds are wasted completely. Your priority should be keeping yourself alive rather than killing the opponent. If that happens, you'll still be alive when the enemy jungler raids, and he'll be dead when your jungler nips the opponent. It's a very simple logic, but considering that millions of players are lurking in a cluster like Silver, we can say that nobody wants to win by simply thinking. This is their fault. Is not it?

devote yourself

This step is perhaps the easiest because once you start and connect to a MOBA like LoL, it's pretty hard to stay away from it. But if you want to achieve success by applying the above items, you need to score 15-20 games a week. We are not saying to play 10 games a day and reach the Championship stage in 1 month, but still, it is necessary to score at least 3-4 games a day to climb the ELO steps. In order for these games to be less boring, it will be beneficial for you to play with your friends. Besides, when you get out, you come out together—it's unlikely you'll fall with these tactics, but when you fall, you fall together.

In your bad times, you motivate each other and prepare harder for the next game. You watch each other's replays and report mistakes you haven't seen yourself. What more could a LoL player want...

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