League of Legends Season 13 Changes

2 Min Reading

League of Legends Season 13 features a two-split system, as well as brand new rewards for players who crush the ranked ladder.

With developer Riot Games doing a rework for jungle items, new items for tanks and mages, re-introducing old items, brand new champions and much more. League of Legends Season 13 is shaping up to be one of the most important seasons in history. more.

Moreover, Riot has announced its plans to shake up the functioning of ranked gaming in 2023. Product lead Chris “Riot Auberaun” Roberts has shared all the details on how the new Ranked changes will work.

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League of Legends Season 13 adds new two-pane system

Auberaun has revealed key details on how rankings will work differently in Season 13.

For starters, League of Legends Two rank resets in the 2023 Season will be; Season 1 will start in January and Season 2 will start towards the middle of the year. The promotional series between tiers will be changed from Best of 5 to Best of 3 series.

Two ranked splits means two ranked skins to be earned, similar to previous seasonal rewards. However, there are some variations on how they can be obtained. Starting in 2023, ranked skins will be available to players of all levels, not just those who have reached Gold and above.

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Riot is also overhauling how the split rewards path works, as it doesn't meet its goal of making players feel their time is rewarded. Now, you will get more points for a win and less for a loss.

Additionally, players who don't reach Gold rank if they play enough games will be offered the annual Glory skin. It will also unlock instantly instead of waiting for the season to end to get the Glorious skin.

Overall, these changes seem to simplify the reward path and ensure that players are instantly rewarded for time spent in ranked mode.

Which champion should you play in League of Legends!?

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