League Of Legends 2021 Top Ranked champions have been released!

4 Min Reading

Riot changed things in 2021, releasing four champions that were tied together by knowledge of the game.

Only four champions joined the League of Legends roster in 2021, the lowest new player count since 2018. Still, all four champions who came to the League had a huge impact on the game in some way. Each of 2021's new champions has left their mark on the League, whether at the center of an in-game event or at the center of a competitive meta change.

Instead of releasing shattered champions that have nothing to do with each other in the story, Riot Games went head-to-head in 2021, releasing four champions linked by the Ruins story that started earlier in the year. With that in mind, we've ranked the four champions released in 2021 based on gameplay, characterization, and overall appeal.

4) Akshan

League of Legends 2021 top ranked champions have been released!
League of legends 2021 top ranked champions have been released! 1

Akshan completes the end of our list of champions coming out in 2021, not because of his fault, but because it doesn't quite match up with other champions released this season. Akshan is by no means a bad champion, but compared to the other three big games of the year, it falls a bit flat. Going Rogue (W), the trademark talent that resurrects his teammates if Akshan gets his revenge, was not well received by the League community in the champion's debut. Also, Akshan needed to be fixed soon after arriving on the live servers and has received a bug fix or balance update with every patch (except for one) since joining the roster. As a character, Akshan is fun if the idea of ​​hunting down the "scumbags" and avenging your teammates is a fantasy fiction concept that is welcome in League for no other reason.


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League of legends 2021 top ranked champions have been released! 2

While Vex's jersey resembles that of a standard control mage, it's his one-of-a-kind personality that sets him apart from the rest of League's champion roster. While every other champion in League is a great hero or villain with an immeasurable purpose and desire to fight, Vex wants nothing more than to be included. Vex is worth revisiting every once in a while to hear what he has to say. However, its challenging gameplay and distinct differences from other control mages can make it difficult for players who are not experienced with it to deal with.

2) Gwen

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League of legends 2021 top ranked champions have been released! 3

It's been a while since Riot launched a top laner with dueling abilities, but Gwen fit the niche perfectly when she debuted early in the 2021 season. Gwen's skill cap is incredibly high; She allows players to auto-attack in a way that no other champion among her abilities can do. In fact, the need for auto-attacks to reset her abilities is a key part of Gwen's kit, and it's what allows her to deal damage so quickly in top lane skirmishes. . Plus, Gwen's direct relationship with Virgo marks the only occasion in League history where two directly related champions have been released back-to-back.


League of Legends 2021 top ranked champions have been released!
League of legends 2021 top ranked champions have been released! 4

The year got off to a boisterous start when Viego launched in January. “The Fallen King” has been a mysterious figure in LoL's knowledge for nearly a decade, but when he finally appeared in the Ruination movie theaters, League players realized the game was about to be turned upside down. The idea of ​​a champion capable of capturing the spirit of other champions and wielding the powers of your teammates against you was unlike anything League had seen before. A groundbreaking champion with versatility to play in a variety of roles, Viego has defined the meta at various points throughout the 2021 season, both on the pro scene and on the solo queue ladder. A good Viego player can turn a game on its head with the champion's massive skill ceiling, while the average League player can take the Ruined King and contribute instantly.


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