Ubisoft has announced Rainbow Six Mobile!

2 Min Reading

Game developer Ubisoft announced on Tuesday that it plans to release a new version of Rainbow Six Siege, a free-to-play FPS game for mobile devices. The mobile game has been in development by Ubisoft Montreal for over three years. While there is no release date yet, players can now get a chance to get early access. they can register here.

“Our goal is not to make you stop playing on PC or console and switch to mobile,” the Ubisoft mobile development team said in the announcement. We know that a big-screen Siege match is nothing like a burst of adrenaline or the precision of a mouse and keyboard. Because we can't carry our monitors everywhere, Rainbow Six Mobile will give millions of new players the opportunity to play the game you love while also providing the R6 experience.” said.

What awaits us in Rainbow Six Mobile?

Rainbow Six Mobile is a competitive tactical FPS with two teams of 5 attackers and defenders. Also, the game has a similar look to Rainbow Six Siege in terms of core gameplay, operators, and map. However, the game will include changes to provide the best experience for mobile users.

The changes include a new game control system for mobile, in-game visual presentation and extensive optimization of the user interface. Also, Six Mobile will have several game modes, but with shorter matchmaking and round times than Siege. Also, Bank and Border maps will be available for the testing period.

Players will be able to choose Operators with unique skills and equip them with gadgets. Ash, Sledge, Twitch, Thermite, and Hibana will be attack operators available at launch. The defenders will have Caveira, Bandit, Smoke, Valkyrie, and Mute.

With this announcement, Rainbow Six Mobile will be the third shooter (FPS) game to come to mobile in 2022, after Apex Legends and Call of Duty: Warzone.


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