Elanur Oktay

The Gamer Station Media is the content provider of our platform. Produces entertainment and game content for TGS. You can follow his social media.
56 Article

Skull and Bones Postponed Again

Skull and Bones has been postponed again. If you've heard this news before, it's not strange.…

Elanur Oktay Elanur Oktay

What is AAA Gaming?

What is AAA game? If you are someone who follows the gaming industry closely, you often hear the term AAA.

Elanur Oktay Elanur Oktay

VALORANT's New Map Lotus Announced

VALORANT's new map Lotus has been announced. Riot Games' popular free FPS game VALORANT,…

Elanur Oktay Elanur Oktay

Physical Game Sales Drop Significantly

Physical game sales are dropping significantly compared to digital sales. UK video game…

Elanur Oktay Elanur Oktay

Amazon Games Manager Retires

Amazon Games executive retires. Amazon Games Manager Retires! Amazon Games…

Elanur Oktay Elanur Oktay

What is Amazon Prime?

What is Amazon Prime? As you know, Amazon's subscription service, Amazon Prime, is a privileged…

Elanur Oktay Elanur Oktay

What is Discord?

What is Discord? How do I add the bot, how do I download it? - Via Discord…

Elanur Oktay Elanur Oktay

Shredder's Revenge Is Free

Shredder's Revenge is free. FREE TMNT: Shredder's Revenge from the TV series and movie company…

Elanur Oktay Elanur Oktay

PS Plus Extra Games Announced in January 2023

PS Plus Extra Games Announced in January 2023 Starting today, PS Plus Extra…

Elanur Oktay Elanur Oktay

Fallout 2 Fan Turns The Cult Game Into FPS

Fallout 2 Fan turns cult game into FPS: Fallout 2 fans turn 1998's cult…

Elanur Oktay Elanur Oktay